We begin with an assessment of your current workplace situation, completed by you and/or your supervisor. The focus then moves to identifying and articulating areas to develop. Together, we design specific objectives and work toward accomplishing them. At the same time, we integrate work life with the demands of family, community, and other interests or talents that deserve attention and expression.
From our very first meeting, we plan the agenda together for each successive meeting as well as for the process as a whole. During each meeting you focus on your recent accomplishments, and create plans that will lead to future positive outcomes.
Although the basic process is the same for all clients, the approach varies depending on the goals of the organization, the skills in need of development, and the individual’s learning style and personality. The amount of time necessary to accomplish the objectives also depends on each person’s unique needs and desires. Let me help you to be more successful in the workplace.
I am a certified Coach. I coach both in-person and by telephone. For more information e-mail: marjorie@marjoriesinger.com or call 510-612-6700.
Inspiration ~ Motivation ~ Support